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Sliding System

Sliding doors from Homelux offer a wide range of new design concepts for use indoors. Who wouldn’t want to extend their office or living space at the turn of a handle?  Both system constructions can be combined seamlessly thanks to their design. Homelux allows you to combine the form, function, colour and technology of your sliding doors as desired. Sliding doors offer perfect functionality and the various opening options open up special design possibilities. The opening types on offer in the sliding and lift-and-slide doors depend on the system.

Sliding door offers a lot of benefits such as letting natural light in, great airflow and circulation, easy operation, space maximization, and a better view. Homelux Sliding Door is manufactured with best technology, and gradually being improved and advanced. With slim and round profiles, Wide View Sliding fulfills the functional needs of the most comfortable living space.

Aluminium is the right choice for you. Our sliding doors meet the highest quality requirements and offer numerous benefits

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