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Slim Sliding Door Frameless Corner | PSD50

(2 ulasan pelanggan)


  • Sash height up to 3000 mm.
  • Sash width up to 2000 mm.
  • Special slim design for panoramic fields of view.
  • Sashes in the corner module can be opened simultaneously.
  • Free corner solution.
  • Flush handle with cylinder lock.
  • Flush handle.
  • Slim series system with low sash width allows for panoramic views when closed.
  • Handle flushed with frame for a sleek, modern appearance.
  • Free Corner Solution: Both corner sashes can be opened without opening the other.
  • Frameless Corner: No fixed vertical frame in corner section, which allows unimpeded view and movement when opened.
  • Able to accommodate 12 mm glass.

Highly transparent solutions for areas without thermal insulation requirements. With floor-to-ceiling glazing, the Homelux PSD50(Slim Sliding Door Frameless Corner ) sliding system ensures visually flowing transitions in the interior and to the outside.

The extraordinary sliding system with the option of concealed, handle-free operation in the interlock section or elegant continuous pull grip captivates with its clear, homogeneous appearance.

The opening 90° corners are an attractive additional opening type which expands the architectural possibilities.

A new locking point, the optional locking feature for the system from the inside and outside, as well as an integrated flyscreen, ensure a high level of security and comfort.

2 ulasan untuk Slim Sliding Door Frameless Corner | PSD50

  1. Homi

    Purus sit amet volutpat consequat mauris nunc congue nisi vitae. Pretium fusce id velit ut tortor pretium viverra. Hac habitasse platea dictumst quisque sagittis purus sit amet.

  2. admin


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