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Citraland Surabaya

Hinge Door, Sliding Door & French Window


French Windows yang menciptakan estetika sempurna

Informasi tentang proyek referensi

Selesai pada tahun 2022
3 Stories House

Bring Serenity Into Your New Homes

Living In A Modern International City. The development of the CITRALAND area as a modern city is taking shape.
The evaluation and reorientation of the city’s growth in line with the times is is an essential part. 

A modern city of the future with quality residences, complete facilities and the most strategic location in Surabaya.and the most strategic location in Surabaya.

What are French windows?

If you’re looking for a timeless and elegant window that will let ample natural light and fresh air into your home, then a French window could be a great option. With an ancient heritage and a wonderful ability to bring completely unobstructed views to your home, we explore this fascinating window design in more detail

They are used just about anywhere. Taller French windows are ideal for ground floor rooms that open out to the garden, for convenient access in the summer or when a French door is too big to appropriately fit into a space on the ground floor as less timber is used. Or upper floor levels with Juliette balconies that invite the romantic style of an elegant French window.

You may even find them as dormer windows on the upper floors of a property, where the views are the most impressive. French windows can also be an ideal solution for first-floor windows where the opening isn’t large enough to meet fire escape regulations.

Produk Digunakan
Di sini kami memperkenalkan merek produk yang digunakan dalam proyek ini.

French Windows Products are designed with a high level of attention to detail on all aspects, and are precision manufactured to meet international standards, resulting in a broad range of products with excellent aesthetic and functional properties.

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