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Kantor & Pabrik
Desa Sawotratap, Gedangan Sidoarjo 61254

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 4PM

Le Parc Residence

Sliding Door

Bangunan Komersial

In The Hearth Of The City

Selesai pada tahun 2023
3 Tower, 97 Unit

Feel At Home

Built with underlying principle to offer you “a sense of space”, Le Parc offers extremely generous spaces in all imagineable aspects. It is a low rise and mid rise apartement complex boasting only a small number of units. Perfect for privacy, and security. Le Parc offers low density living in luxury style.

In The Hearth Of The City

Redefine living, working and playing in the heart of Jakarta. Unique for its integrated approach to living and rich mix of offerings, Thamrin Nine will, for the first time, offer Jakartans the choice and convenience found in other world-class cities. Built with the principle of uncompromised quality and aesthetic design to create a truly unique living, working and leisure environment in the heart of Jakarta
Produk Digunakan
Di sini kami memperkenalkan merek produk yang digunakan dalam proyek ini.

Menggambar, Desain, Penganggaran & Estimasi, Pasokan, Fabrikasi & Instalasi dengan tingkat perhatian yang tinggi terhadap detail pada semua aspek, dan diproduksi secara presisi untuk memenuhi standar internasional, sehingga menghasilkan berbagai macam produk dengan sifat estetika dan fungsional yang sangat baik.

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