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Le Parc Residence

Sliding Door

Commercial Building

In The Hearth Of The City

Completed in 2023
3 Tower, 97 Unit

Feel At Home

Built with underlying principle to offer you “a sense of space”, Le Parc offers extremely generous spaces in all imagineable aspects. It is a low rise and mid rise apartement complex boasting only a small number of units. Perfect for privacy, and security. Le Parc offers low density living in luxury style.

In The Hearth Of The City

Redefine living, working and playing in the heart of Jakarta. Unique for its integrated approach to living and rich mix of offerings, Thamrin Nine will, for the first time, offer Jakartans the choice and convenience found in other world-class cities. Built with the principle of uncompromised quality and aesthetic design to create a truly unique living, working and leisure environment in the heart of Jakarta
Product Used
Here we introduce the product brand used in this project.

Drawing, Design, Budgeting & Estimating, Supply, Fabrication & Installationwith a high level of attention to detail on all aspects, and are precision manufactured to meet international standards, resulting in a broad range of products with excellent aesthetic and functional properties.

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